Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies

Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Ivo Labbe (Swinburne), Rachel Bezanson (University of Pittsburgh), Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI) Explanation: This deep fie...

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Sharpless 308: The Dolphin Head Nebula

SH2-308: The Dolphin Head Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Prabhu Kutti Explanation: Blown by fast winds from a hot, massive star,this cosmic bubble is huge. Cataloged asSharpless ...

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NGC 4565: Galaxy on Edge

NGC 4565: Galaxy on Edge Image Credit & Copyright: Lóránd Fényes Explanation: Magnificent spiral galaxyNGC 4565is viewed edge-on from planet Earth. Also known as the Needle Galaxy ...

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Shadow of a Martian Robot

Shadow of a Martian Robot Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, ASU, NeV-T, Perseverance Rover; Processing & Copyright: Neville Thompson, Gigapan Zoom Explanation: What if yo...

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Comet Pons Brooks Develops Opposing Tails

Comet Pons-Brooks Develops Opposing Tails Image Credit & Copyright: Rolando Ligustri & Lukas Demetz Explanation: Why does Comet Pons-Brooks now have tails pointing in oppos...

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NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis

NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis Image Credit & Copyright: (Team F.A.C.T.) Lilian Lbt - Cyrille Malo - Maxime Martin - Clément Daniel - Paul Grasset - Louis Leroux-Géré Explanation: M...

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Rotating Moon From LRO

Rotating Moon from LRO Video Credit: NASA, LRO, Arizona State U. Explanation: No one, presently, sees the Moon rotate like this. That’s because the Earth’s moon is tidally locked to t...

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Stereo Helene

Stereo Helene Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, ISS, JPL, ESA, NASA; Stereo Image by Roberto Beltramini Explanation: Get out yourred/blue glasses and float next to Helene,small,...

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The Nebulous Realm of WR 134

The Nebulous Realm of WR 134 Image Credit & Copyright: Xin Long Explanation: Made with narrowband filters,this cosmic snapshotcovers a field of view over twice as wide as the full ...

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A Lunar Corona Over Paris

A Lunar Corona over Paris Image Credit & Copyright: Valter Binotto Explanation: Why does a cloudy moon sometimes appear colorful? The effect, called a lunarcorona,is created by the...

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