
Breaking New Ground - Part 4 | 15 Years of Minecraft

Watch Part 1 - https://youtu.be/PIAP8peEppI
Watch Part 2 - https://youtu.be/19ya8NUqNQo
Watch Part 3 - https://youtu.be/f0k7JNFGhms

The world of Minecraft has been shaped by Mojang Studios and our amazing community for 15 years! We gathered Minecraft developers, old and new, to talk about how Minecraft has evolved from its humble beginnings to where we are today.

In part 4 we talk about the pressure of delivering updates and managing community expectations, delve into updates that changed the world of Minecraft forever, and make some educated guesses into what the next 15 years might hold!

For more on Minecraft’s 15-year celebration check https://www.minecraft.net/