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M66的特写图片来源及版权:NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration.致谢:Davide De Martin and Robert Gendler说明:美丽而巨大的旋涡星系M66仅在我们3500万光年之外。这个绚丽的岛宇宙的直径约为10万光年,与银河系的大小相近。这张哈勃太空望远镜拍下的的特写图片覆盖了...

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Celebrating 10 Years of Project Galileo

This post is also available in 繁體中文 and 한국어. One of the great benefits of the Internet has been its ability to empower activists and journalists in repressive societies to organize, communicate, ...

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GitHub Availability Report: May 2024

In May, we experienced one incident that resulted in significant degraded performance across GitHub services. May 21 11:40 UTC (lasting 7 hours 26 minutes) On May 21, various GitHub services exper...

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Leveraging Technology on the Frontlines of Emergency: How Communities of Developers Are Taking Action

Coming from the humanitarian sector, I’ve seen firsthand how organizations are leveraging tech in innovative ways to solve global problems. At GitHub, the more I learn from these organizations, ...

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克尔科诺谢山上空的极光图片来源及版权:Daniel Koszela说明:这是第一次,至少是这位摄影师第一次在他家乡的山上看到极光。这是多么壮观的极光啊。波兰的克尔科诺谢山脉因为还不够靠北,平常并不能看到极光。但在5月10日至11日的那个奇妙的夜晚,紫色和绿色照亮了一大片天空。与此同时,地球上其他中纬度地区的人们也感受到了这以奇观带来的惊喜。这幅图片是在极光达到最强时的六张照片拼接而成的。画...

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Whoosh! Join us as we deep dive with the developers and find out everything you need to know about the breeze, banner patterns, pottery sherds, music discs, maces, wind charges, and more. Was th...

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10 Years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty Program

Each year, we celebrate the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program, highlighting impressive bugs and researchers, rewards, live hacking events, and more. This year, we celebrate a new milestone: 10 ...

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How We Improved Push Processing on GitHub

What happens when you push to GitHub? The answer, “My repository gets my changes” or maybe, “The refs on my remote get updated” is pretty much right—and that is a really important thing that happe...

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心宿增四旁多彩的恒星与星云图片来源及版权:Craig Stocks说明:为何心宿二和心宿增四附近的星空如此多彩却又布满尘埃?这些颜色产生自于诸多天体和天体物理过程。较细腻的尘埃被星光照亮,形成蓝色的反射星云。气态云中的原子被恒星的紫外辐射激发形成红色的发射星云。背光的尘埃云挡住了星光而呈现黑色。图中右上角的是明亮的心宿二,一颗红超巨星,它把周围的云气照亮为黄色。心宿增四恒星系统位于图中左侧...

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